Preparing for International Classification
Athlete presentation for international classification
Before the classification day

· Each International Sport Federation has a set deadline for submission of the Medical Diagnostics Form.

· The Paralympics Ireland Classification Coordinator is able to assist you to identify deadlines and to guide you through the process of completing and submitting the forms.

· Paralympics Ireland considers it best practice for athletes to undergo national classification prior to attending international evaluation.

· Athletes previously nationally classified can be supported through the process of protesting the international class when adequate.

What to bring?

· Athletes must arrive at their assigned classification time and location at least 15 minutes before the allocated time with a valid ID.

· Athletes must wear the relevant clothing for their sport i.e. swimming costume for swimming, running gear for athletics etc.

· Athletes must bring all equipment they use during competition for their sport i.e. wheelchair, prosthetics, straps etc.

Who can accompany the athlete?

· The athlete may be accompanied by one athlete representative (preferentially coach or NGB representative) into the classification room.

· All junior athletes (under 18 years of age) MUST have someone accompany them into classification.

Classification Briefing·   The classifiers will explain the evaluation process to the athlete and outline the responsibilities of the athlete, their representative and the classifiers during the athlete evaluation period.
What is expected of the athlete?

· Athletes must always cooperate to the best of their ability with the classification process.

· You are expected to behave in an honest, courteous and sportsman-like manner at all times.

What is expected of the athlete’s representative?

· To behave in a courteous manner at all times and to respect the decision of the classifiers.

· They may observe, but not participate in the classification evaluation and are welcome to ask questions.

What is expected of the classifiers?

· Classifiers should treat you in a manner that is professional, respectful, courteous and safe at all times.

· They should provide you with sufficient information to understand the process, the decision, and the opportunities for protest.

What if I do not agree with my classification?

· An athlete may have a difference of opinion with their allocated class.

· If you disagree with an International Classification, you should contact an NGB representative immediately after your evaluation. There are specific rules and deadlines to submit a protest.

· To be able to protest, it has to be a clear breach of the rules for that particular sport.

Intentional Misrepresentation

Intentional misrepresentation is cheating. It is considered an offence when either an athlete or athlete support personnel:

· Attempts to deceive the classification panel

· Deliberately presents at classification evaluation in a way that is inconsistent with how they present for competition

· Fails to make a medical notification as to a change of the impairment that may impact the athlete’s class

· Knowingly assists, covers up or disturbs the evaluation process with the intention of deceiving or misleading the classification panel.

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